Motorcycle scrap yards will help you get parts and accessories for even the weirdest and wildest of bikes. Because it's the cheapest way to get back on the road. You can find good used spares and parts for your motorbike in South Africa at scrapyards for lower prices than if you buy new. Motorcycle scrap yards in South Africa are found in: Where Can I Find Motorcycle Scrap Yards? If … [Read More...]

ABSA Repossessed Bikes
ABSA repossessed bikes can be the ride you are looking for to find a motorcycle at a decent price. As one of the largest financial services provider in South Africa ABSA bank has more repossessed motorcycles up for auction than other financial institutions. Especially after the current financial times that have resulted in a lot more bike repossessions. Bike repossessions in South Africa include … [Read More...]

Bike Auctions Online and Offline in South Africa
Bike auctions in South Africa happen online and at offline auction events. Offering bank repossessed motorcycles for sale to the highest bidder and you can be a part of these bike auctions online or at locations around the country. Please note that not all online auctions always have bank repossessed motorbikes in stock. The bikes are more few and far between than other vehicles for … [Read More...]

Motorcycle World Cape Town For Bikes and Parts
Visit Motorcycle World Cape Town if you are looking for a good quality new or used bike. Or bike accessories, services and repairs or for advice on bike financing. They are a long standing reputable company that has a large base of happy customers. So they are sure to be able to help you if you are looking for almost anything in the motorcycling industry. Motorcycle World Cape Town offers: … [Read More...]

Use Bikefind to Buy and Sell Motorcycles in SA
Use Bikefind to buy and sell motorcycles in SA and you will not be disappointed. It's a bikefinder website to help you if you want to buy a motorcycle. Or if you want to sell your current ride. Bikefind is an South Africa online search and request showroom for what they call alternative motoring options. This includes the following: Street safe motorcycles Off-road motorcycles Dual … [Read More...]

Bank Repossessed Motorcycles For Sale at Auctions
Bank repossessed motorcycles for sale at auctions come in a variety of makes and models. So are a great place to find the perfect bike for you at below market value. These bikes can be found at lower prices than at dealerships. Because the banks are looking to make back the outstanding money owing on the motorbikes. Previous owners could not afford to pay the instalments any more. This may seem … [Read More...]